HCBS Training

Teams Use Data Already Collected Within HCBS to Improve Practices

man and woman sitting in front of a laptop computer. the woman is pointing at the screen.

Another way that teams assess changes in performance is to look at data that are already collected by an organization. If staff skills are improving, the team may notice a number of different changes in overall data for the organization. For instance, teams in Minnesota have reported improved staff retention patterns and decreases in Workers Compensation claims after implementing training in person-centered and other positive supports.

Satisfaction surveys, quality-of-life, cultural responsiveness, and climate surveys are used to learn from both staff and people supported about how people feel about HCBS. Staff stress, work-related injuries, incident reports or 911 calls are all data that are collected in organizations that can be used to evaluate training efforts.

Reviewing data can help teams understand if staff development needs are changing. For instance, if surveys suggest that people feel their cultural values are not always considered within the organization, the team can add training and coaching as people learn more about cultural responsiveness and practice the use of empathy.

Incident report data may show a need for more conflict-resolution training. The team might respond by adding new training activities into regular staffing meetings.  Adapting training to the needs of staff concerns can decrease stress and improve the overall climate.

  • Staff retention and attrition
  • Sick days, Injury, Workers Compensation costs
  • Incidents or problems, 911 calls
  • Cultural responsiveness strategies
  • Staff stress and climate surveys
  • Satisfaction with services