HCBS Training

Congratulations on Completing the HCBS Modules!

woman cheering

Now that you have completed all the modules, your team can revisit any section of the modules that are currently of interest.  Most of the teams in Minnesota working on person-centered and positive supports are working on their long-term plan and know it takes a few years to master this process.  Use the modules as a resource that teams can access whever more information is needed. Teams can send new team members to the HCBS Home page to prepare for their new role.  The Module 1 overview can be a simple way to introduce the process to a stakeholder who wants to learn more about how to implement person-centered and positive supports. Use website links and other resources in the Module Resource Pages alone as part of training efforts for staff.  A summary of the topics covered in each module is listed below.

  • Module 1: Overview for new team members
  • Module 2: Review team-related content
  • Module 3: Brainstorm issues related to readiness
  • Module 4: Self-assessment
  • Module 5: Action planning
  • Module 6: Building work into strategic planning, staff development, and communication
  • Module 7: Evaluation and data-based decision making
  • Module 8: Problem solving
Onsite evaluation provider example

The Minnesota Team Checklist is a tool your team can use to review progress and problem solve what steps need to be reviewed.

Review the image and think about the steps your organization may take to move forward.

  • What can the team celebrate?
  • What areas of the checklist does the team need to work on?
  • What sections of the HCBS modules should the team review?

Review the items in the sections of the Minnesota Team Checklist to decide how your team can proceed. Start by reviewing Module 7. It may help your team to use Appendix E, found on Module 8 Resource Page to a graph of your team’s progress on the Minnesota Team Checklist.