HCBS Training

Examples of Challenges in Person-Centered Practices

HCBS Teams encounter several types of challenges while working on person-centered and positive support practices. Some of these challenges come up while scoring the Minnesota Team Checklist. Problems may arise in each section on the Minnesota Team Checklist.

Examples of Challenges that Providers Face

  • Team members are late or distracted during meetings
  • Administrative leadership has trouble attending meetings
  • Resources may be limited, making it difficult to make changes
  • It can be difficult to find champions to help with changes
  • Coaches may be uncomfortable with their role
  • Some people may not like a particular method used in person-centered or positive support practices
  • The team may find it difficult to involve people due to limited resources
  • The data available may not be easy to understand or access
  • Meetings may not be effective, making it difficult to work on the action plan
  • Some action items may be unclear or confusing
  • Progress on goals can be slow
  • People involved in staff development may not want to change staff training
  • The amount of work involved can feel too large or complicated
  • There may be a limited number of people with social media skills
  • Reaching out to the community can be difficult in some areas of the state
  • The team may not be able to find people to assist with quantitative or qualitative evaluation work
  • Access to or finding someone with skills using Excel or other programs may be a problem