HCBS Training

Using Problem Solving to Make Decisions

Teams that encounter challenges can use a problem-solving model to work together to find solutions.  There are many problem-solving methods for teams.  Most of these methods include the following steps:

  • Identify the problem,
  • Collect opinions and brainstorm,
  • Anticipate impacts,
  • Select an action to take, and
  • Evaluate the results.
  • Be clear and make sure the problem is understood in detail
  • Describe how the problem relates to HCBS values and the team’s outcome statements
  • Summarize one or more problems and its link to values in the team’s meeting minutes
  • Actively listen to all perspectives and ideas
  • Avoid Groupthink and encourage diverse ideas
  • Set a timer and write down all possible ideas
  • Anticipate positive and negative impacts of each solution listed
  • Consider how each option relates to outcome statements
  • Anticipate the degree of possible changes and effectiveness
  • Discuss how the options address racial equity and the impact on underrepresented people and marginalized communities
  • Ask team members to prioritize solutions
  • For important problems, consider bringing discussion to larger staff and stakeholder meetings
  • Vote on the best solution
  • Link the option to the evaluation plan
  • Use the same elements of the evaluation plan (evaluation question, measure, person responsible for collecting data, timeline for gathering data, which meetings will review the data)
  • Add items to the team’s action plan

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identify the problem, arrow, collect opinions & brainstorm, arrow, anticipate impact, arrow, select an action, arrow, plan evaluation, arrow