Recruiting, Selecting, and Retaining Direct Service Workers to Provide Self-Directed HCBS

Lesson Review

1. Listen

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A DSW and person who is blind sitting on a park bench. They are both smiling.

2. Read

In this lesson, you learned about:

  • Professionalism and what to expect from your DSWs
  • Some challenges to professionalism
  • The importance of establishing boundaries with DSWs

3. Scenario

Georgia has been Roberta's friend since before Roberta had her stroke.  Roberta is glad that she is able to have Georgia as a DSW.  Sometimes it is hard to know when Georgia is working for Roberta or when she is there as Roberta's friend.  Roberta thinks that there needs to be a boundary between Georgia's role as a friend and her role as a DSW.  Roberta is worried about hurting Georgia's feelings.  Georgia is such a kind person and a good friend!

What would you do?
An elderly Black woman. She is wearing glasses, a white t-shirt, and smiling.

Roberta decides to talk to Georgia about how it can be hard that Georgia is both her friend and her DSW.  She tells Georgia that she would like to have some boundaries about when she is at work and when they are being friends.  Georgia is relieved.  She likes to be able to support Roberta, but she felt like she was always on duty when they were together.  They didn't seem to have friend time any more.  Roberta and Georgia set some boundaries together.  When Georgia is working as Roberta's DSW, she will focus on the task list rather than visiting some with Roberta and then finishing up her responsibilities after she is supposed to be done working.  Roberta agrees to let Georgia get her work done.  She also decides that when Georgia is with her as a friend, she won't ask her to do something that she wouldn't ask any other friend to do.  She won't ask Georgia to do any of her DSW tasks when she is not working.   Roberta and Georgia have a clearer idea of what their professional boundaries are and are able to spend more time together just being friends.