HCBS Training

Creating a Plan to Use the Person-Centered Organizational Development Tool

A group working together to fill out a form.

Teams use the Person-Centered Organizational Development Tool in different ways to complete the assessment. Some teams complete the tool during a meeting to learn more about the scoring process. Team members are given time to write down their score for each item.  Members of the team are then asked to use their fingers to show the score they have given a statement or the number is written down on a piece of paper and shared. The team asks someone to figure out the average in each area. Some teams will use an Excel spreadsheet to record the data and create a visual of the results. Many teams take the next step by creating a plan to invite more people involved in HCBS to complete the tool. 

An HCBS Provider may ask staff members to complete the tool and share ideas during a time when they are already meeting. A lead team member gathers the information as part of the assessment process.

Larger organizations will ask all staff members to complete the survey items online or during a staff meeting to make sure everyone has a chance to be involved in the process.

This tool is helpful when people don’t share the same view about HCBS. The survey creates a way for people to reflect on the services and share stories as part of the assessment.

The problem-solving activities in the tool are not always used as part of the self-assessment since the team may want to gather additional details before brainstorming with staff members and other people. Item 13 of the Minnesota Team Checklist includes examples of the different types of information the team may want to gather before brainstorming.