HCBS Training

Reflecting on the Strengths of Home and Community-Based Services

Two cartoon characters looking at the number six from different directions. One thinks it's a six and one thinks it's a nine.

The self-assessment process helps your team review the strengths of your Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) and think about ways that your team might expand its strengths over time. People often have different ideas about what being person-centered means and how this practice is used to support people. It is important to honor the ideas and beliefs of each person working to improve HCBS even if you do not agree with each viewpoint. There are many reasons why people may differ in their beliefs about how person-centered the current services are for people.  Sometimes we see only one part of the services that are provided. When you observe HCBS being delivered by your team, services may be very person-centered. At other times when you are not present, there are  ways to improve HCBS.

Person-centered practices are always evolving as HCBS providers work to improve quality of life for people. At times, making the changes that your team feels is needed can feel overwhelming. Know that the change process is a marathon, not a sprint. Your team’s path will be unique and there are always ways to improve. Some things will go well right away, and other efforts will take longer to make lasting change. Take time to reflect as a team, with people receiving services, family members, or guardians, and with staff providing support. This is a good way to learn more about strengths and areas that can be improved. Be sure to remind people to be open to different viewpoints. Having a different opinion does not mean anyone is wrong. This is a time to listen to other people so that the team can build a vision of HCBS together.