HCBS Training
Sharing the Assessment with Others
Once the team has completed the assessment process, share an overview of the results. Item 15 on the Minnesota Team Checklist prompts the team to share what they have learned in the assessment process. The team can create a simple list that summarizes the strengths of the services and can highlight the most important HCBS areas that most people feel can be improved.
Review the team’s plan for sharing information that was developed in question 3, 10 and 11 of the HCBS Planning Tool. These plans can be used to share the assessment results.
Please use the MN Team Checklist and the HCBS Planning Tool to complete the activity.
Checklist item 15: Results of assessment are shared with everyone once completed.
How will your team summarize and share your assessment information?
If you haven't already done so please use these links to access the tools.