Recruiting, Selecting, and Retaining Direct Service Workers to Provide Self-Directed HCBS

Lesson Review

1. Listen

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Two people talking. One person is facing the camera and smiling. The other is not facing the camera.

2. Read

In this lesson you learned how to:

  • Review a person's documents before the interview and check references. 
  • Ask three kinds of questions to get the information you need during the interview: behavioral, situational, and factual.
  • Avoid asking questions that can be discriminatory.  Questions about race, age, gender, religion, marital status, or disability are not allowed.  Asking them is illegal and can get you in trouble if you ask them.

3. Scenario

Roberta reviewed her realistic job preview and thought about what she would want to know from the people she was interviewing.  Review Roberta's interview template.  Would you ask the same questions?  If you were Roberta, what would you ask?

What would you do?
An elderly Black woman. She is wearing glasses, a white t-shirt, and smiling.