Recruiting, Selecting, and Retaining Direct Service Workers to Provide Self-Directed HCBS
Competencies and Training
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Training should increase a DSW's skills and knowledge needed to provide your supports. The skills and knowledge DSWs should have to perform their jobs well are called competencies. When you are developing a training plan for your DSW, consider these questions:
- What competencies are essential to the job?
- What competencies does the DSW already have?
- What competencies does the DSW need?
Consider using the following resources to answer the questions listed above and inform the development of your training plan:
- The CMS Direct Service Workforce Core Competencies
referenced in this lesson
- The Skills Questionnaire you completed in Module 2, Lesson 2.1
- The Realistic Job Preview you completed in Module 3, Lesson 3.1
- The DSW Finalist Worksheet you completed in Module 3, Lesson 3.3