HCBS Training

Creating Vision Boards

Teams are striving to reflect their person-centered values in the everyday work of supporting people. Using  person-centered language can be a starting place for changing the culture of an organization, but lasting change occurs when the team works together to:

woman talking in front of group of people. she is holding a marker and standing in front of an easel with a paper tablet.
  • Improve the overall climate within HCBS,
  • Edit or write new policies supporting person-centered efforts,
  • Embed tools into meetings and problem-solving,
  • Increase awareness and acceptance of diversity,
  • Support staff in learning new skills, and
  • Monitor and assess how HCBS is changing over time.

The action plan your team develops will reflect the values that are important to people receiving and providing services and to the larger community as well.

The Vision Boards and Outcome Statements Activity can be completed with team members as a first step or with a larger group of people from the beginning. The length of the activity varies based on the time and resources available. This activity can take place during staff meetings with time dedicated across 2-3 meetings. Other teams set aside a larger chunk of time to complete the Vision Boards and Outcome Statements Activity in one meeting. Smaller providers may complete the activity while providing services at the same time as a way to talk with both staff and people supported.

Vision Boards

woman presenting to a group of multi generational people in a conference room


  • Your team will need large poster or flip chart paper to complete this activity,
  • Tape to attach the poster paper to the wall, and
  • Markers, crayons, colored pencils and/or pastels.


  • Attach two sheets of poster paper on the wall,
  • Label one sheet of poster paper on the wall with the header "Now," and
  • Label the other sheet of paper on the wall with the header "Future".