Recruiting, Selecting, and Retaining Direct Service Workers to Provide Self-Directed HCBS

Lesson Review

1. Listen

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A woman and a man crossing the street. The man, who appears to have a visual impairment, is using a white cane.

2. Read

In this lesson you learned about how to use a realistic job preview when recruiting a new DSW. You learned that:

  • Realistic job previews are a way for job candidates to learn what their job duties will be.
  • If DSWs know what to expect before they are hired, they are more likely to keep working with you after being hired.

3. Scenario

Roberta decided that, to start, she wanted to do a simple realistic job preview that would be easy to change and that she could print.  Roberta thought doing this was hard!  She didn't always know what to say or what was important.  She talked to her DSW about what it was like to work for her.  She also talked to her children about what they thought.  Roberta's daughter helped her finish the realistic job preview.  Look at Roberta's realistic job preview.   Do you think it has enough information to tell a DSW about the job?  What would you do differently?

What would you do?
An elderly Black woman. She is wearing glasses, a white t-shirt, and smiling.