Recruiting, Selecting, and Retaining Direct Service Workers to Provide Self-Directed HCBS

What is a Realistic Job Preview?

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Two women getting ready to cross a street. Both women are Asian. The older woman is using a walker. The younger woman is helping the other woman move steadily.

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Realistic job previews tell DSWs the good and bad parts of a job.  It is one way to help find a DSW who is a good match for you.

Realistic job previews describe:

  • A DSW’s duties
  • Other requirements (such as being a non-smoker, having completed CPR training, or having a first aid certification)
  • The workplace and any key characteristics of the individual receiving supports and/or preferences (e.g., female, disability type, work site(s), prefers female DSW)
  • The challenges of the job
  • The rewards of the job