HCBS Training

Making changes to the Team’s annual Action Plan based upon Evaluation Report

Developing an Evaluation Plan takes time. Your team may not get the evaluation plan completed right away. Keep working on the action plan while the evaluation plan is being developed.  Teams can make notes about how to proceed with evaluation while working on the Year 1 action plan. Examples of items that teams have listed in the action plan before completing a formal evaluation include:

  • Find other staff who can assist with Excel graphs, making surveys, etc.,
  • Ask one or two people to finalize the evaluation plan and bring it to the next meeting,
  • Ask one or two people to find out how often data are summarized as part of the strategic plan or accreditation process,
  • Document steps needed to add additional measures (e.g., incident reports, staff retention, etc.),
  • Reach out to regional colleagues who might serve as an external evaluator,
  • Explore quality of life measurement tools, and
  • Learn more about evaluation in general.

The Minnesota Team Checklist takes a while to complete. Teams work at a pace that fits each organization’s needs with respect to staff time, resources, and efforts. The goal is to use the Minnesota Team Checklist to keep focused on all key elements needed to make sure person-centered and positive support practices become part of everyday work in HCBS. Changes are made each year to the action plan based on the information that is gathered from the annual review process and the results of the evaluation plan.


Please use the MN Team Checklist and the HCBS Planning Tool to complete the activity.

Minnesota Team Checklist.  Item number 36 in the Evaluation section.  Changes are made to the team’s annual action plan.

Score the checklist: 0 – planning not yet started, 1 – in progress, or 2 – fully in place.

MN Team Checklist Item 36: Changes are made to the team’s annual action plan.

Develop a plan to review and make changes to your action plan annually.

Minnesota Team Checklist

HCBS Planning Tool

If you haven't already done so please use these links to access the tools.