HCBS Training

Types of Fidelity of Implementation

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Fidelity of implementation can be measured in two ways. The first way is for the team to decide how they are doing and score each item on the Minnesota Team Checklist. 

The other way to measure fidelity of implementation is for someone outside of the HCBS organization, who has experience using person-centered practices, to score or rate the team's implementation using a tool for this purpose. Both self-assessment and outside evaluation can help teams understand how well they are using person-centered practices. An example of a tool used for both self-assessment and by someone outside of an organization is called the Tiered Onsite Evaluation Tool (TOET). Visit the Module 7 Resource Page to review the TOET.

Sometimes teams judge themselves more critically than others would because they want to make sure the score is not biased. In other cases, teams are still learning and may think that they have done everything they can to fully implement person-centered practices only to realize later they have more to learn. In this case, the team may score items on the Minnesota Team Checklist higher at first but then lower their scores when they realize more work is needed.

This approach is a useful way to gather group consensus, assess the efforts taking place, and focus team efforts on what people believe is most important

The external evaluator is someone who does not work for the organization or in the department that is being evaluated, and can provide an objective view of person-centered and positive support practices.