HCBS Training
Common Roles in Effective Meetings
In summary, the key roles that work well in team meetings include the following:
Active leadership is needed to make changes in HCBS. Administrators can make sure that the team's work is seen as a priority and they help find the resources to support person-centered and positive support practices. Administrators can make Level 2 changes possible and understand the priorities and needs related to HCBS.
Facilitators help keep meetings focused on the agenda. They encourage people to share ideas and redirect people who might begin talking about unrelated topics. The facilitator reviews past meetings to make sure work is being completed and uses the agenda to guide the meeting. They will often highlight and review actions items that are created in the meeting to make sure everyone understands the decisions that are being made.
The record keeper writes each action the team decides to work on and may repeat what the team has been saying to make sure each action is clearly written down in the meeting minutes. Record keepers often work with the facilitator to clarify when and who is assigned to complete a task. This role helps to make sure the team action plan moves forward. The Record Keeper makes sure everyone gets a copy of what happens in the meeting so that team members can remember the tasks that they signed up to complete.
The time keeper helps the group decide how long it will take to complete each agenda item before the meeting starts. The role of the time keeper is to make sure each agenda item is discussed so the team can talk about all of the agenda items and complete important tasks.
This role includes different types of people depending upon how each provider is organized. In some organizations, the CEO or director is the person who knows the most about what types of data are being gathered and reported. In larger organizations, human resource or other staff members help the team access information. The data organizer brings data to the meeting so that the team can use it to make decisions. Examples of data include quality of life data, satisfaction surveys, progress on positive supports, cultural responsiveness surveys, staff attrition and retention data, staff sick days or injuries, incidents, or the numer of 911 calls that occur.