HCBS Training

How to Use This Module: An Introduction to the Minnesota Team Checklist and HCBS Planning Tool

These modules are designed to guide your work expanding person-centered and positive support practices. In Module 1, you learned that it is important to consider forming a team to work on the change process.  This module provides tips for creating a team of people who will work together to improve Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS).  There are two tools your team can use to guide your progress. These tools are called the Minnesota Team Checklist and the Home and Community-Based Planning Tool. You will learn more about both of these tools as you complete the modules. You can review both of these tools at the bottom of this page.

Note for Users: This training addresses a wide variety of providers who support people receiving many different types of services. More general terms are used in order to address this diversity. The concepts presented in these modules can be adapted to each unique HCBS. Multiple stories are included throughout the modules to provide examples representing different services and diverse people receiving HCBS across the lifespan.

The term provider is used to refer to one or more people who are responsible for coordinating and managing HCBS. The term organization is a similar concept that describes the way in which providers have created the systems, policies, processes, and structures for providing HCBS services. Finally, a team refers to two or more people working together to gather feedback, share information, and coordinate changes that will improve person-centered outcomes.

These modules follow the guidelines of the seventh ​edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association ​​by using the singular "they" as a third-person pronoun in order to avoid gender bias (instead of using third-person pronouns "he" or "she").

Access the Minnesota Team Checklist

Minnesota Team Checklist. INSTRUCTIONS: Home and Community-Based Service (HCBS) providers can use the Minnesota Team Checklist to guide progress implementing person-centered practices and positive supports. The checklist can be used on a regular basis (e.g., monthly, quarterly, annually) to monitor progress improving person-centered and positive support practices. The subsections for this checklist address important areas that need to be considered when improving services. Answer each question by selecting the number that best fits what the team has completed: Score the checklist: 0 – planning not yet started, 1 – in progress, or 2 – fully in place.

The HCBS Planning Tool helps you think through each of the sections on the Minnesota Team Checklist. 

Access the HCBS Planning Tool

Planning Tool for Implementing Person-Centered and Positive Support Practices in Home and Community-Based Services

Planning Tool to Accompany:

  • Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Modules
  • Minnesota Team Checklist

Name of Team/ Organization/ Provider: [Type the name of provider services]

Implementation Start Date: [Type the implementation start date]