HCBS Training

Inviting People to Participate

Now that you have decided who you want to invite to join the person-centered practices team, the next step is to reach out to them. It can help to read this entire module before inviting team members to make sure you have everything you need to get started.

One way to invite team members is to send an invitation that explains the team process. The first step in inviting someone to join the team is to contact the person using a phone call or onsite meeting. Share the purpose of the team and the role they would have in the process. The people you invite might decide to join the team during the first meeting or ask for more details. You can follow up on this first contact by sending an invitation with more details. This invitation can include links to the Invitation to Join a Team video and to the Module One – Overview of the HCBS Modules. The Talking Points Script and a Sample Written Invitation is also available at the bottom of this page. 

Item 2 on the Minnesota Team Checklist prompts you to set up the meetings in your calendar and to create a regular meeting process. It will be important to find a meeting time that works for all team members. You can also record the name of the person responsible for scheduling meetings.


Please use the MN Team Checklist and the HCBS Planning Tool to complete the activity. 

Minnesota Team Checklist.  Item numbers 1 and 2 in Team section.  A team is in place to work toward becoming a more person-centered service. Regular meetings are scheduled. Score the checklist: 0 – planning not yet started, 1 – in progress, or 2 – fully in place.

Checklist items 1 and 2:​

  1. A team is in place to work toward becoming a more person-centered service.
  2. Regular meetings are scheduled.

Finalize the list of people who confirmed that they will join the team.

Write down the team meeting schedule that has been confirmed

Minnesota Team Checklist

HCBS Planning Tool

If you haven't already done so please use these links to access the tools.

Talking Points to Consider When Inviting Team Members (When You Know the Person You are Inviting)

It can be helpful to reach out to a person by phone or email to talk about person-centered and positive support practices.

 This first contact might be to introduce the topic with a follow-up meeting to continue a more detailed conversation. Steps might include:

  1. Make an initial contact and set the stage for the request
    1. Greet the person and state the purpose of the call
      • Ask if the person has 15–20 minutes to talk to you
        • If you do not know the person well
          • Explain where you work
          • Describe who you are and who sent you the person’s name and contact details
      • State the purpose of the call
          • Invite the person to join the team
          • Summarize what it means to improve person-centered and positive support practices
          • Describe the purpose of the team and the roles
          • Explain how much time you expect the person to contribute
            • Attending meetings on a regular basis
            • Length of time for meetings
            • Completing tasks between meetings and reporting back to the group
            • Describe where and how meetings will be organized
          • Explain why the person was invited and what they bring to the process:
            • Experiences, their profession, traits, or characteristics that make the person a good candidate
            • How the person complements other team members who are confirmed
    2. Offer more details about person-centered and positive support practices
      • Share more information about person-centered practices:
      • Offer to give the person time to think about whether they want to join the team and decide on a date for making the decision
      • Discuss how you will connect with each other once a decision has been made to join
      • Offer to send a letter to confirm in writing the purpose and duties of team members.
        • Ask if they prefer email or letter
      • Provide a way for them to contact you if they have more questions
    3. Thank the person for spending time considering this request
    4. If you haven’t heard back by an agreed-upon date, give the person more time to decide

This invitation can be used talking to a person on the telephone or by writing an email with a potential team member. Use this form letter, but modify it using your own details.




Subject: Invitation to Join the Person-centered and Positive Support Practices Team

Greeting: Dear _(Name)_____,


I enjoyed talking with you about becoming a member of a team to improve person-centered and positive support practices for our Home and Community-Based Services. I hope this letter helps answer your questions about the purpose of this work.

As I mentioned when we spoke, the purpose of the team includes:

  • Improving the quality of life of the people we support, using person-centered and positive support practices,
  • Developing an action plan to help staff members feel valued and respected, and
  • Working together to build relationships that encourage meaningful connections in the community for people receiving services.

To learn more about the team’s process, I am sending you:

1) A link to a short video Invitation to Join a Team .

2) A link to Module 1 -  Overview of HCBS Modules

Team meetings are 2–3 hours in length and will be held quarterly. In addition, team members may sign up for tasks to complete between meetings, but we can work with you to make sure this fits your schedule.

 Thank you for considering joining our team. I look forward to hearing from you.





Email address

Organization website address or link