Accommodations Toolkit

Paper Format: States' Accessibility Policies, 2023

National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO)

This summary of states’ accessibility policies for the paper format of a test is part of the Accommodations Toolkit published by the National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO)[1]. The toolkit also contains a summary of the research literature on paper format of test.

Accessibility policies often have several tiers of accessibility features: universal features, designated features, and accommodations[2]. Figure 1 summarizes how states included the paper format in their accessibility policies for students with disabilities in 2022. Figure 2 summarizes how states included the paper format in their accessibility policies for English learners in 2022. Table 1 shows how the paper format was included in the policies, while Table 2 contains additional details and specifications.

Accessibility policies often have several tiers of accessibility features: universal features, designated features, and accommodations.[2] Figure 1 summarizes how states included the paper format in their accessibility policies for students with disabilities in 2023. Figure 2 summarizes how states included the paper format in their accessibility policies for English learners in 2023. Table 1 shows how the paper format was included in the policies, while Table 2 contains additional details and specifications.

Figure 1. States’ Accessibility Policies for Students with Disabilities for Paper Format of Test, 2023


  • Universal Features (U): 2 States
  • Designated Features (D): 4 States
  • Accommodations (A): 29 States


  • Universal Features (U): 2 States
  • Designated Features (D): 4 States
  • Accommodations (A): 29 States


  • Universal Features (U): 2 States
  • Designated Features (D): 4 States
  • Accommodations (A): 29 States

Figure 2. States’ Accessibility Policies for English Learners for the Paper Format of Test, 2023


  • Universal Features (U): 2 States
  • Designated Features (D): 4 States
  • Accommodations (A): 3 States


  • Universal Features (U): 2 States
  • Designated Features (D): 4 States
  • Accommodations (A): 8 States


  • Universal Features (U): 2 States
  • Designated Features (D): 4 States
  • Accommodations (A):6 States

Table 1. Accommodations Policies for Paper Version of Test by State, 2023

U = Universal Feature, D = Designated Feature, A = Accommodation, ELA = English Language Arts, X = Allowed, SD = Allowed for Students with Disabilities, E = English Learners, P = Prohibited, Blank cell = no policy found, N = Notes in Table 2






(See Table 2)


































District of Columbia














































































New Hampshire

New Jersey





New Mexico




New York





North Carolina





North Dakota





















Rhode Island





South Carolina

South Dakota


























West Virginia











Total (Students with Disabilities)










Total (English Learners)










Note: Blank cell = no policy found

Table 2. Details and Specifications: States’ Paper Format of Test Accessibility Policies





Regular Print Test Book in a Computer-Based Testing (CBT) School: A student who cannot access the computer for classroom work due to injury, illness, or vision impairments may need a paper test in lieu of taking the test with peers on the computer. The IEP or 504 Plan must clearly indicate how the teachers accommodate the student’s need in class and the restrictions the student has when using technology (examples: no more than xx minutes of screen time per day, must have a significant break after xx minutes, no computer usage at all, etc.).

If a paper test booklet is ordered as an accommodation for a student at a CBT school, the student must use the paper test booklet and may not participate in computer-based testing.

All paper tests must be administered within the paper-based testing window for both computer-based testing schools and paper-based testing schools.


Accommodation (Students with Disabilities):

ACT Aspire Summative testing, which includes writing, is delivered online or on paper.

Arkansas Policy: Summative paper testing must be approved by the ADE: DESE Office of Student Assessment with the exception of Braille, large print, or American Sign Language accommodations. Complete and submit the ADE: DESE Special Accommodations Request Form.


Universal Feature/Accommodation:

Paper-Based Assessment: The paper-based form of the assessment is available to any student; however, if a school/district is using computer-based assessments for their general student population, a paper-based form is available as an accommodation for students with disabilities or MLs such as students who:

  • Have a neurological disorder, a condition that causes seizures, or another health condition that prevents the student from accessing the computer;
  • Need Auditory Presentation support beyond text-to-speech and thus require an auditory presentation script for PBT; or
  • Have an IEP or 504 plan that requires assistive technology that is not compatible with CBT administration.

Scheduling CMAS Paper-based Administration: For general use of the paper-based assessment, all students in a grade must complete the same unit of the same content area assessment at the same time. Should that not prove possible, assess all students within the shortest timeframe practicable within the same day, minimizing interactions between the groups of students (e.g., during regularly scheduled science period, tested in back-to-back physical testing groups).

Test students using accommodated forms at the same time as their peers taking either online or other paper tests.

If testing units back-to-back, students may not have access to cell phones during short breaks between units.


Designated Feature:

Paper/Pencil Test: Test is presented in a fixed form, paper/pencil format. To be used only when “print on demand” is not practical due to student’s testing location or student’s access needs. Includes the use of a hand-held calculator in the case of math.

  • Homebound students are tested on all DeSSA Assessments except for DeSSA-Alt

District of Columbia


Paper-Based Edition (Alternate Representation – Paper Test): For schools administering the computer-based assessments, a paper-based assessment is available for students who (1) are unable to take a computer-based assessment due to a disability, (2) recently entered the school and has very little or no prior experience or familiarity with technology, (3) attend a school providing paper-based assessments as the primary mode, or (4) are unable to access an online assessment due to religion or beliefs.

Paper-Based Edition of the Assessment in Spanish: Test Administrators providing this accommodation should ideally be literate and fluent in English and Spanish, or may be assisted by a translator, if available, since test administration directions will be read to the student in Spanish.

The student takes a paper-based assessment with content presented in Spanish.

Note: If the student is also receiving a Human Reader accessibility feature, the test can be read aloud in Spanish only (i.e., the test cannot be read aloud in English in addition to Spanish).

Students who may participate in a Paper-Based Assessment: Although PARCC and DC Science assessments are computer-based using an online testing platform, there may be specific instances which require a student to take a paper-based assessment instead. The following conditions may result in a school choosing to administer a paper-based assessment:

  • Condition #1: A student is unable to use a computer due to the impact of their disability. The student’s inability to participate in computer-based assessments should be documented in an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 plan. Examples may include:
    • A student with a disability who cannot participate in the online assessment due to a health-related disability, neurological disorder, or other complex disability, or cannot meet the demands of a computer-based test administration;
    • A student with an emotional, behavioral, or other disability who is unable to maintain sufficient concentration to participate in a computer-based test administration, even with test accommodations;
    • A student with a disability who requires assistive technology that is not compatible with the testing platform.
  • Condition #2: A student who recently entered the school and has had very little or no prior experience or familiarity with technology.
  • Condition #3: The school is providing paper-based assessments for its students as the primary mode of administration.
  • Condition #4: A student who is unable to access an online assessment due to religious beliefs.



Paper-Based Accommodations: A student with a disability who has an IEP or Section 504 Plan may be eligible for paper-based accommodations (regular print, large print, braille, one-item-per-page) on computer-based statewide assessments. Decisions regarding accommodations, including eligibility for paper-based accommodations, should be based on a student’s needs and should not be made for preferential reasons. The use of computers and mobile devices for instructional engagement and assessment is a fundamental aspect of general education, and the ability to access online environments must be considered. Students with disabilities should be given access to online environments during the educational day, including on assessments, in order to be prepared for college and careers. In addition, students should be given opportunities to practice on computer-based instructional programs and on computer-based test platforms using the available features and accommodations to determine their effectiveness and appropriateness.

Students who are eligible to receive paper-based accommodations must have an IEP or Section 504 Plan that clearly indicates the reason that the computer-based test is not currently accessible or appropriate for the student. Documentation should include:

  • Whether or not the student is currently able to use a computer or mobile device to engage in instruction/assessments
  • Accommodations/assistive technology the student needs when using a computer or mobile device
  • Training and services the student needs to successfully use a computer or mobile device in instruction/assessments
  • The type of media/accommodations (e.g., paper, braille) that are necessary if it is determined that the student cannot use a computer or mobile device for the foreseeable future

Students who are hospitalized/homebound and students who currently reside at Department of Corrections and Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) facilities are also eligible to receive paper-based test materials if Internet access is not available.



Paper-Based Edition (Alternate Representation – Paper Test): For schools administering the computer-based assessments, a paper-based assessment is available for students who (1) are unable to take a computer-based assessment due to a disability, (2) recently entered the school and has very little or no prior experience or familiarity with technology, (3) attend a school providing paper-based assessments as the primary mode, or (4) are unable to access an online assessment due to religion or beliefs.

Students who may participate in a Paper-Based Illinois Assessment of Readiness: Although the Illinois Assessment of Readiness is a computer-based using an online testing platform, there may be specific instances which require a student to take a Paper-Based Test (PBT) instead. The following conditions may result in a school choosing to administer a paper-based assessment:

  • Condition #1: A student is unable to use a computer due to the impact of their disability. The student’s inability to participate in computer-based assessments should be documented in an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 plan. Examples may include:
    1. A student with a disability who cannot participate in the online assessment due to a health-related disability, neurological disorder, or other complex disability, or cannot meet the demands of a computer-based test administration;
    2. A student with an emotional, behavioral, or other disability who is unable to maintain sufficient concentration to participate in a computer-based test administration, even with test accommodations;
    3. A student with a disability who requires assistive technology that is not compatible with the testing platform.
  • Condition #2: A student who recently entered the school and has had very little or no prior experience or familiarity with technology.
  • Condition #3: The school is providing paper-based assessments for its students as the primary mode of administration.
  • Condition #4: A student who is unable to access an online assessment due to religious beliefs.

There are a few accessibility features that must be pre-selected for the student in the SR/PNP. Accommodations for students with disabilities or ELs must be pre-selected for the student in the SR/PNP. When needed for the paper-based accessibility feature or accommodation, this information is included in the “before testing” guidance and the corresponding column in the SR/PNP file is also provided.

Paper-Based Edition of the Mathematics Assessment in Spanish: Test Administrators providing this accessibility feature should ideally be literate and fluent in English and Spanish, or may be assisted by a translator, if available, since test administration directions will be read to the student in Spanish.

The student takes a paper-based mathematics assessment with content presented in Spanish.

Note: If the student is also receiving a Human Reader accessibility feature, the test can be read aloud in Spanish only (i.e., the test cannot be read aloud in English in addition to Spanish).



Print Booklet: A paper form of the assessment may be provided to a student. The print booklet is a fixed-form test and is not adaptive.



Paper-and-Pencil Test: The student is administered a paper-and-pencil version of the test. Students with significantly limited technology skills or students who will rely on designated features that are only available for use on paper-and-pencil assessments may be provided this feature.



Special Paper Kit Accommodations: If a student cannot test online due to a disability—such as seizures brought on by electronic usage—there are a small number of paper kits printed that can be sent to districts for special situations. These can only be obtained with KDE approval and cannot be ordered in PearsonAccessnext. To gain approval please email DACInfo with the student ID# and where the documentation can be found in IC. The documentation should contain supporting evidence of the condition that prevents online testing and rationale of why a paper kit is needed. The request will be reviewed; upon approval, KDE will communicate with Pearson regarding the district and grade level needed, and a paper kit will be sent to the district.



Standard Paper-Based: For students with an IEP/504 plan that requires assessments to be paper-based and not administered online. Standard (size 12 font) paper-based forms are print-on-demand. NWEA will provide secure download instructions and login credentials to the school building administrator following Maine DOE’s approval of the paper-based form request.

Requesting Paper-Based Accommodated Forms: To request a paper-based or large print form, the following two steps need to be completed:

1. The District or School Assessment Coordinator enters the accommodation into the student’s profile in Acacia. The Material Orders Operational Report can be used to confirm how many students need paper-based accommodated forms at each school building.

2. Complete the Maine Through Year Paper-Based Assessment Approval Form: Paper-based form request.


Accommodation (Students with Disabilities):

Paper Based Edition (Alternative Representation–Paper Test): Some students are unable to use a computer due to the impact of his or her disability, or other conditions. Students who use a paper based edition can include:

  • A student with a disability who cannot participate in the online assessment due to a health-related disability, neurological disorder, or other complex disability, or cannot meet the demands of a computer-based test administration;
  • A student with an emotional, behavioral, or other disability who is unable to maintain sufficient concentration to participate in computer-based test administration, even with test accommodations;
  • A student with a disability who requires assistive technology that is not compatible with the testing platform;
  • A student who recently entered the school and has had very little or no prior experience or familiarity with technology;
  • The student is unable to access an online assessment due to religious beliefs.

Accommodation (English Learners):

Paper-Based Edition of the Mathematics Assessment in Spanish: The student takes a paper-based mathematics assessment in Spanish (or other native language if provided), Spanish kits for paper-based PARCC Mathematics assessment include an English version of the test booklet and mathematics tools so the test can be administered in a bilingual format. Responses must be entered on the Spanish answer document for responses provided in Spanish to be scored. Note: If the student is also receiving a human reader accessibility feature, the test can be read aloud in Spanish only (i.e., the test cannot be read aloud in English in addition to Spanish).


Accommodation (Students with Disabilities):

Paper-Based Edition of the MCAS test may be administered as an accommodation to a student who is unable to use a computer or take the computer-based test due to a disability.

(Note: This must be listed as an accommodation in the student’s IEP or 504 plan.)

Accommodation (English Learners):

Paper-Based Edition: ELs in their first year of schooling in the U.S. or ELs with little or no familiarity with technology may take the MCAS paper-based test as an accommodation.

  • ELs should have the opportunity to take computer-based practice tests prior to selecting the paper-based test.
  • Administering the ELA test to a first-year EL is optional.


Designated Feature:

Administration of the assessment in an alternate education setting (out of school) with appropriate supervision (in the home when student is homebound or in a care facility when it is medically necessary): The very small number of students who currently spend the majority of their instructional time outside of the regular school environment may be tested with a paper/pencil form of the assessment, with appropriate supervision, by a trained administrator.


Universal Feature:

Non-Accommodation Paper Based Assessment: Use this tool under the following scenarios:

  • For students without an IEP/504 plan that need to test off-site in a non-district building (e.g. hospital, juvenile facility, etc.), the student may use the Paper Based Assessment.
  • For EL students who are using Read Aloud–Native Language (S111), where the translator needs access to the assessment prior to administration to conduct translation services. Please see the section on Translation that follows the Tools/Accommodations lists for more information.
  • For students using Read Aloud–Human Reader (S043) where the examiner needs to read from a paper copy. Please see the section on Read Aloud that follows the Tools/Accommodations lists for more information.

Please Note: There is a $15 charge to the district for each printed Paper Based assessment not required by an IEP.

This tool must be chosen in the Portal under student accommodations prior to testing.


Paper Based Assessment: Students with this accommodation in their IEP/504 plan may take the assessment using the Paper Based format.


Universal Feature:

Alternate Location: Student takes test at home or in a care facility (e.g., hospital) with direct supervision. For facilities without internet, a paper/pencil test will be allowed.

Recommendations for use: Students that are not receiving their education in a traditional setting but still need to meet the assessment requirements.

Cultural Considerations: The student receives a paper/pencil form due to specific belief or practice that object to the use of technology. This student does not use technology for any instructional related activities. Districts must contact NDE to request this accessibility feature.

Recommendations for use: This student does not use technology for any instructional related activities.

Accommodation (Students with Disabilities):

Paper/Pencil: Reasons for paper/pencil include:

  • Need for Braille or large print version
  • Student has a medical condition that does not allow the use of computer screens
  • Student is tested in a facility that does not allow/have internet access

The paper/pencil option should be based on student’s individual need but is limited to the reasons listed in the description section.

Accommodation (English Learners):

Paper-and-Pencil Test: Reasons for paper/pencil include:

  • Written translations of languages other than Spanish (M/S)
  • Available for students who need side-by-side (English and another language) (M/S only)
  • Need for Spanish audio files provided by NDE
  • Limited access to technology (M/S/ELA)

Districts are able to provide written translations in languages other than Spanish. See tool 11 for translation guidelines.

If students need the side-by-side support for M/S in English and Spanish, paper/pencil is the only option for these students. For the Spanish translated test, districts must use the NDE version.

Due to significantly limited access to technology, a newcomer with limited or interrupted formal schooling may need to take the paper-and-pencil version of the assessments. This option should be based on a student’s individual needs only and should not be applied on a group basis.

New Jersey

Accommodation (Students with Disabilities):

Alternate Representation–Paper Test: For schools administering the computer-based assessments, a paper-based assessment is available for students who (1) are unable to take a computer-based assessment due to a disability, (2) recently entered the school and has very little or no prior experience or familiarity with technology, or (3) are unable to access an online assessment due to religion or beliefs.

Accommodation (English Learners):

Paper-Based Edition of the Mathematics/Science Assessments in Spanish: The student takes a paper-based mathematics or science assessment with content presented in Spanish. Important Note: If the student is also receiving a Human Reader accessibility feature, the test can be read aloud in Spanish only (i.e., the test cannot be read aloud in English in addition to Spanish).

New Mexico


Paper-Based Edition: For schools administering the computer-based assessments, a paper-based assessment is available for students who (1) are unable to take a computer-based assessment due to a disability; (2) recently entered the school and has very little or no prior experience or familiarity with technology; (3) attend a school providing paper-based assessments as the primary mode; or (4) are unable to access an online assessment due to religion or beliefs.

New York


Can a paper test be recommended as a testing accommodation for students with disabilities who would otherwise be expected to participate in computer-based State testing? Yes, if appropriate to the needs of the student and if necessary to implement other testing accommodations (e.g., use of a human reader to implement “tests read”). If a student with a disability who would otherwise be participating in computer-based testing is recommended to use a paper test in accordance with IEP/504 plan recommendations, the paper version of the test must be requested by contacting the Office of State Assessment.

North Carolina


Requirements to Use a Paper Form of a Test: Students must take all state-mandated tests online (except for The ACT, PreACT, WIDA Screener for Kindergarten, ACCESS for ELLs [Kindergarten], and WIDA Alternate ACCESS), unless there is a documented need for an accessible format (examples listed below) in the student’s IEP, Section 504 Plan, or a transitory impairment plan, and the student does not receive classroom instruction or assessments using a device. A paper form of the test is available for the small number of students who are unable to use a device due to the impact of their disabilities. Before selecting a paper version of the test, IEP teams and Section 504 committees should first consider other accessibility features, compatibility, and accommodations that may be used to access the test online. Parents, guardians, and students are not permitted to request paper testing without a documented need that requires paper testing.

Examples of accessibility needs requiring a paper form may include, but are not limited to:

  • Accommodated format due to visual impairments (e.g., Unified English Braille [UEB], uncontracted braille, UEB double-spaced braille, UEB with Nemeth, colored paper [when the color is not available in the online format], no gray scale, open dyslexic font)
  • Large-Print (when it is not possible for the student to take the test using projection or enlarged font on the device)
  • Neurological conditions that require the student not test on a device (e.g., concussion, seizure, migraines)
  • Documented physical impairments
  • Assistive technology that is not compatible with the online testing platform (e.g., Augmentative and Alternative Communication devices)

If a paper form of a test is needed, it should be documented by selecting “Other”, then specifying the reason for the paper test. For students with an IEP, when the Review of Accommodations Used During Testing form is printed, the information included in the "Other" box will print after the words: "Special NCDPI-Approved Accommodation(s) Specify."

North Dakota

Designated Feature:

Paper-and-pencil test: The student takes a paper-and-pencil version of the test. Due to cultural considerations or to significantly limited technology skills, some students may need to take paper-and-pencil versions of assessments. This option should be based on a student’s individual needs only and should not be applied on a group basis.



Paper Version of Test Instead of Online: A paper version of the test is available for students who are unable to use a computer due to the impact of their disabilities. Before selecting a paper version of the test, IEP teams and 504 Plan coordinators first should consider other accessibility features.

Situations that may require a paper accommodation include:

  • A student with a disability who cannot participate in the online assessment due to a health-related disability, neurological disorder or other complex disability or cannot meet the demands of an online test administration even with other accessibility features such as extended time, frequent breaks or a scribe;
  • A student with an emotional, behavioral or other disability who is unable to maintain sufficient concentration to participate in an online test administration, even with other accessibility features such as a familiar test administrator, frequent breaks, small group, specified seating or a timer;
  • A student with a disability who requires assistive technology that is incompatible with the testing platform.

If a student takes a paper version of a test, the student must take both parts of the test on paper.

Conditions for Taking a Paper-Based Test:

Although Ohio’s State Tests are computer-based using an online testing platform, there may be specific instances that require a student to take a paper-based assessment instead.

Condition #1: The school is providing paper-based assessments for its students as the primary mode of administration. Districts must deliver Ohio’s State Tests only online unless they can demonstrate the need for paper tests. Information about this process can be located on the department website by searching Capacity Planning Tool.

Condition #2: A student is unable to use a computer due to the impact of their disability. Before selecting a paper version of the test, IEP teams and 504 Plan coordinators should first consider other accessibility features. Students who take a paper-based test should be unable, even with support, to use technology to produce and publish writing using keyboarding. The use of a paper-based assessment should be documented in the student’s IEP or 504 Plan.

Situations that may require this accommodation include:

  1. A student with a disability who cannot participate in the online assessment due to a health-related disability, neurological disorder or other complex disability or cannot meet the demands of a computer-based test administration even with other accessibility features such as extended time, frequent breaks or a scribe;
  2. A student with an emotional, behavioral or other disability who is unable to maintain sufficient concentration to participate in a computer-based test administration, even with other accessibility features such as a familiar test administrator, frequent breaks, small group, specified seating or a timer;
  3. A student with a disability who requires assistive technology that is not compatible with the testing platform.

Condition #3: A student who is unable to access an online assessment due to religious beliefs.



Paper & Pencil Test Formats: IEP/504 teams should include rationale or evidence in the Present Levels of Performance that states why paper and pencil testing is best for the student. If the team decides that paper-based testing is appropriate, a student can take the paper and pencil assessment for all subject areas. However, teams may also decide based on the needs of the student that they may only need the paper and pencil version for one subject area. Please note that all of the sections in a subject area must be taken using the same format (paper and pencil or computer-based testing).


Accommodation (Students with Disabilities):

Mixed-Mode Response: An online tester may use a paper booklet for constructed responses. This is intended for students who benefit from online testing but may have limited or no capacity for extended keyboarding. Students who are unable to type their own open-ended response(s) into the online version of the test but can handwrite a response may now respond to all multiple-choice questions online and may respond to open-ended questions on paper using their own handwriting. Scribing and transcribing are not used with mixed-mode. The student tests independently. This approach allows students to think and respond without test administrator interference.

Student must respond to all multiple-choice items online and all open-ended responses in matching paper booklet with student label affixed. No multiple-choice responses in the paper booklet will be used for the student’s score with this option. SAC should draw an X over each set of response bubbles to prevent the student from responding to multiple-choice questions in the paper booklet. DO NOT ALLOW STUDENTS TO MARK MULTIPLE CHOICE BUBBLES IN PAPER BOOKLET. No open-ended responses entered into the online system will be used for a student score with this option.

SAC is responsible for obtaining an answer booklet with matching test form number. LEAs that are 100% online and need a paper booklet will contact DRC. Select the “Multiple-choice items completed online; open-ended items completed in the answer booklet” Response Accommodation.

Accommodation (English Learners):

Spanish Test: Mathematics PSSA, Science PSSA, Algebra I Keystone, and Biology Keystone available in paper version exams only.

Is a Spanish Version available for Mathematics, Science, Algebra I and Biology paper exams?: Yes. A Spanish version of each Mathematics PSSA, Science PSSA, Algebra I, and Biology Keystone paper/pencil exams is available for students who have been enrolled in schools in the United States for fewer than three years. The local educational agency may make a determination to assess students with this accommodation when the student is enrolled in U.S. schools for fewer than three years and has not yet reached a level of English language proficiency sufficient to yield valid and reliable information when assessed in English.

It is recommended that Spanish language students be literate in their native language for this accommodation to be beneficial. However, the Spanish language version of the assessment may be read aloud to an eligible EL student who can benefit from receiving the assessment in Spanish (for example, an EL with prior education in Spanish who is also dyslexic).

Rhode Island

Accommodation (Students with Disabilities):

Paper-Based Edition: A preprinted paper test may be administered as an accommodation for a student who is unable to use a computer or to take the computer-based test due to a disability. See the NGSA Test Coordinator Manual for ordering information. Preprinted paper tests are available in English only.

Accommodation (English Learners):

Paper-Based Edition of Spanish (Science): Preprinted Spanish science tests are not available. If an EL student requires a printed science test, items must be printed individually using the Print-on-Demand feature. All responses must be transcribed (see below) in order to be scored.

Paper-Based Edition of Math in Spanish: Any current or former EL student must meet one of these criteria to receive this accommodation:

  • has a low level of English proficiency,
  • is currently receiving or has received math instruction in Spanish,
  • has little or no familiarity with technology,
  • has a disability that affects their ability to take the computer-based version of the math test in Spanish.


Designated Feature:

Paper by Request Administration: The number of students who are provided a paper by request administration of STAAR may not exceed three percent of the number of eligible students enrolled in the district who are administered each assessment. For example, if a district has 500 students who are eligible for the STAAR grade 3 mathematics and RLA assessments, the district testing coordinator may indicate up to 15 students as eligible for a paper by request administration of the STAAR grade 3 mathematics assessment and up to 15 students for the STAAR grade 3 RLA assessment. Similarly, if a district has 300 students who are eligible for the December STAAR Algebra I assessment, the district coordinator may indicate up to 9 students as eligible for a December paper by request administration of that assessment.

The following assessments are available for students participating in a paper by request administration:

  • STAAR grades 3–8 and EOC regular print
  • STAAR Spanish grades 3–5 regular print


Paper Administration: STAAR assessments, including accommodated versions, and TELPAS listening and speaking assessments and reading and writing assessments are administered online. However, some students might be eligible for special paper or holistic administrations in rare, unavoidable circumstances where students cannot access an online assessment or a testing accommodation cannot be provided in an online setting.

The following assessments are eligible for a special paper or holistic administration.

Accommodations Cannot be Applied: A student might need a testing accommodation that is not possible to provide in an online setting. Prior to a special administration of an assessment, consideration should be given to accessibility features, locally approved designated supports, and designated supports requiring TEA approval. Refer to the Accommodations section for information regarding these testing accommodations.

A student should be designated as eligible for a special administration only if a required accommodation documented in the student’s individualized education program (IEP), individual accommodation plan (IAP), or Section 504 paperwork cannot be delivered in an online format. Careful consideration should be given to whether the paper or holistic mode offers the necessary supports to allow the student to successfully demonstrate his or her understanding of the assessed content. If the student has previous experience receiving instruction or taking assessments online (e.g., STAAR Interim Assessments), it might be more appropriate to maintain consistency by providing the student with an online administration.

Unable to Participate in One Domain of TELPAS: District testing personnel may register a student for a special administration if the student’s admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee has determined that the student is not required to participate in TELPAS for a specific domain because of the student’s disability. For example, a student who is deaf and whose ARD committee has determined the student will not be assessed in the listening domain will not take the TELPAS listening and speaking online assessment. The student is eligible to be rated holistically in speaking.

Technology Access is Precluded: District personnel must make every effort to administer STAAR and TELPAS assessments online. In rare situations where appropriate computers or technology are absolutely unavailable, as might occur on occasion with a homebound student or a student in a juvenile justice alternative education program (JJAEP), jail, or detention center, that student may be eligible for a special paper or holistic administration. Contact Texas Testing Support for assistance ordering paper materials.



Standard Size Paper: Some students may have a disability that warrants a paper assessment.



Growth Assessments and SOL tests are available in two formats: online and paper. All students are required to take the online version of the Growth Assessments and SOL tests with the exception of students who meet one of the criteria established for paper testing (see Appendix C in the Test Implementation Manuals, Documentation of Need for Paper Assessment).

Notes from Appendix C: This form must be completed for students with disabilities or those with medical conditions who need a paper Virginia Assessment Program (VAP) test but who do NOT meet the following criteria:

  • attend school in a location where a secure network connection or the required technology is not available to access an online test, such as special situation schools, homebound, residential facilities, hospitals, night schools, or Governor Schools.
  • require an accommodation specified in the student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP), 504 Plan, or English Learner (EL) Assessment Participation Plan that is described in Appendix B of the Test Implementation Manual as requiring a paper test (e.g., large-print test, braille test, brailler, and multiple test sessions).
  • have a documented medical condition, such as a seizure disorder where exposure to a computer will aggravate the student’s condition.

For a student with disabilities, this form should be completed by the Individual Education Program (IEP) team/504 committee. For a student with medical conditions, this form should be completed by a team composed of the Division Director of Testing, building principal, course content teacher, parent, and other appropriate school staff. A separate form must be completed for each assessment, and a copy of each signed and completed form must remain in the student’s education record and on file in the office of the Division Director of Testing.



Standard Print Test Booklet: A standard print paper form of the test. The font size for the standard print form is 14 point on paper sized 8.5 x 11. Students with impairments or a medical condition (e.g., concussion) which precludes them from being able to use the online tests may use a paper version of the test. This accommodation is appropriate for a very small number of students.

West Virginia


Printed Test Book: A fixed-form, paper book assessment is available for both the summative and interim assessments.

For students who cannot access computer-based assessments due to religious restrictions, health or disability concerns, paper (fixed-form) assessments can be requested for state summative assessments.

The school must notify the County Test Coordinator of the needs of this student to order materials according to the published deadlines for each assessment. County test coordinators are responsible for ordering paper-based books.



Paper Test (Fixed form paper test for WY-TOPP): Paper copies of either passages/stimuli or items are printed for students. Some students with disabilities may need paper copies of either passages/stimuli or items. A very small percentage of students should need this accommodation. The use of this accommodation may result in the student needing additional time to complete the assessment. Any portion of the test printed during testing must be printed to a secure and known location and all printed material must be collected and securely destroyed in order to protect the security of the test content.


All rights reserved. Any or all portions of this document may be reproduced and distributed without prior permission, provided the source is cited as:

  • Holden, L., Quanbeck, M., & Lazarus, S. S. (2024). Paper format: States’ accessibility policies, 2023 (NCEO Accommodations Toolkit #28b.1). National Center on Educational Outcomes.

NCEO is supported through a Cooperative Agreement (#H326G210002) with the Research to Practice Division, Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education. The Center is affiliated with the Institute on Community Integration at the College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota. Consistent with EDGAR §75.62, the contents of this report were developed under the Cooperative Agreement from the U.S. Department of Education, but do not necessarily represent the policy or opinions of the U.S. Department of Education or Offices within it. Readers should not assume endorsement by the federal government. Project Officer: David Egnor